Bee Yard Visit (May 24, 2023)

Our three hives were feisty and working hard this early morning.  It was 66 degrees when I arrived.  Each of the colonies are producing honey and fighting off pests very well.  I didn't see even one small hive beetle.  (Click on photos to enlarge)

Hive 02 has the smallest colony of bees.  The frames in the top super are only half drawn out, but I'm satisfied with that as this colony has been the smallest of the three for awhile now.  Their hanging in there!

Hive 04 is the busiest.  Each of the frames in the top super have been drawn out, but none of the honey is capped yet.  We've had so much rain and humidity.  I'm sure the bees are working to dry out the honey more, before they cap the cells.  I added an extra super (beneath the full super) to give the bees more space and keep them from swarming.  Hopefully they will produce more honey in this new super.

Hive 06 has some honey in their top super, but not capped and not enough to warrant an additional super.

Flowers are everywhere!  Some are wildflowers, but many are not.  Either way, the bees have quite a selection.  

And this Little Girly came by to say "hello".

The bees are pretty happy to see me leave after my visit.  Can't wait to come back soon and see them again!
