Our future bee home - Caldwell, Texas

Houston, Texas - At Mark's company Christmas party last year, I began chatting it up with Mark's coworker, Linda, when I mentioned my newfound interest in beekeeping.  I told her about the books I had began to collect and how I had been researching the fascinating life of bees.  We had a great conversation that evening, when she mentioned that her father kept bees when she was a kid.  It was my first "real" bee conversation with someone else who knew about bees.

Caldwell, Texas - Linda and her husband, Doug, have a peaceful 40 acres in Caldwell, Texas, just a short drive northwest of Houston.  They were so generous to offer us a place for us to situate our bees!  Last weekend, we made the road trip on a sunny spring day.  While there, we took a walking tour of their property and they introduced us to their resident honeybees that had made a home in an old dried-up well.  Bees were foraging everywhere!  We had a great day with Doug and Linda in the Texas countryside.
