New Queen Check Up

Yesterday, I drove out to our bee yard near Caldwell, Texas to check in on our three new queens that we installed four days ago.  I have great news to report: all three queens exited their cages and have established their new colonies!  Each of the queens have loaded up their frames with new eggs and small larvae and we are very pleased. 
(Click on photos to enlarge).

Hive 01 colony with empty queen cage.
Hive 01 queen cage is empty.
The queen has already laid hundreds of eggs and the colony is very happy.

Hive 02 colony with empty queen cage.
Hive 02 empty queen cage.
The bees have accepted their new queen.
Hive 07 colony with empty queen cage.
Hive 07 empty queen cage.
In hive 01, I noticed two queen cells under construction.  It may have taken awhile for the bees to accept their new queen and so they started to produce their own instead.  I removed these two queen cells to keep the bees focused on their new queen that we gave to them.

Two queen cells under construction; one in the upper left
of the frame and one closer to the center of the frame.

We're off to a good start with these three new colonies!!
